Calling all young explorers and super parents – get ready for an enchanting evening where math comes to life for students in grades K-5! Picture a world where numbers tell stories, puzzles lead to hidden treasures, and teamwork reigns supreme. It's a non-competitive blast of fun where kids collaborate to unravel mysteries and tackle math challenges, fostering knowledge and friendship. Check out the FAQ for more details.

Why join the adventure? Experience team spirit, boost your math skills in a fun way, solve puzzles to crack the code of the grand mystery, and create unforgettable memories! Interested in being part of the adventure? Let us know by filling out a super-quick survey. We're also on the lookout for enthusiastic captains (parents and guardians) to join our chair and planning committee. No prior expedition experience? No problem! We've got all the treasure maps (materials and resources) ready to guide you. Contact us to join the crew and make this Math Adventure a night to remember!


Our mission is to support the education, health, and welfare of each and every child at Somerset Elementary School. As part of the Washington State PTA, we are a nonprofit membership association bringing together the home, school, and community on behalf of our children.